Home :: Display & Packaging :: Packaging Tape :: Packaging Tape - Clear Acrylic - 48mm x 75mtr

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Packaging Tape - Clear Acrylic - 48mm x 75mtr

Packaging Tape - Clear Acrylic - 48mm x 75mtr
Sold In
Single Rolls or Packs of 6
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Price - Wholesale Only
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Packaging Tapes - These are the same rolls of packaging tape that we use to seal our own packaging cartons for your orders.

Tried & tested quality and longer rolls!.

Don't be fooled by the shorter 50 Mtr Rolls commonly sold. Get 50% more with our 75 Mtr Rolls - for virtually the same price!

We buy in bulk so you can buy 75Mtr rolls at much the same price as major retailers that are selling 50mtr rolls!

Our Acrylic Packaging Tape Rolls are :

  • Standard sized rolls that fit almost all common standard 50mm packaging tape dispensers.
  • Clear in colour
  • 28 micron polypropylene tape meets the mark for general packaging and carton sealing applications
  • Water based acrylic adhesive reliably seals lighter cartons and parcels
  • Ideal for low temperature environments
  • Longer 75mtr rolls - 50% more tape compared to some selling only 50mtr rolls!

Seal your packing cartons for less with "Paperglitz Supplied Packaging Tapes"

Crystal Perle Metallic Diamond White 300gsm Card - A4 Sheets

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15mm Satin Ribbon - Double Sided 25Mtr Roll - White

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25mm Satin Ribbon - Double Sided 25Mtr Roll - Light Orchid

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6mm Satin Ribbon - Double Sided 25Mtr Roll - Pastel Yellow

Price - Wholesale Only
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